On Tuesday morning (7/3/23), I attended the Police, Fire and Rescue Committee. At the meeting we received our usual reports and updates from the Police, Fire & Rescue services.

It was good to see that in the nine months (1/04/22 - 31/12/22) Crime was down overall in the East Ayrshire Council Area by 7.2%, with Anti-Social Behavior (-30.8%), Drug Supply (-21.3%), Hate Crime (-11.1%) & Housebreaking (-38.8%).
However it is concerning that Drink & Drug Driving (+32.9%), Violence & Homicide (+6.2%) and Fraudulent Activity (+64.7%) were all up on the reporting period.
They also presented the committee with the draft of the East Ayrshire Local Policing Plan 2023 - 2026.

The Police also reported that 400 persons from East Ayrshire had completed the ‘Your Police’ Survey. The survey remains open until the end of March 2023. If you would like to complete the survey click here:
The report from the Fire and Rescue Service showed a 31% reduction in Fires, although False Alarms were the same in the reporting period. The service also presented their plan to reduce unwanted Fire Alarm Signals to the Committee.
In the Cumnock and New Cumnock Ward there were 38 Deliberate Fire Settings and 81 False Alarms. The Fire Service also completed 787 Home Fire Safety Visits and Fitted 195 Smoke Detectors in the reporting period.

In the afternoon I joined other members of the Committee on a visit to Cumnock Community Fire Station where we all learnt about the Retained Duty Service. We also had a tour of our Community Fire Station, which you can see in the photo’s below.

If you would like further information on how to become a Retained Fire Officer then please click here:
You can read the Police, Fire and Rescue Committee reports in more detail here: