This morning (5/9/23), I attended the Police, Fire and Rescue Committee. At the meeting we received our usual reports and updates from the Police, Fire & Rescue services.
It was good to see that in the first quarter (1/04/23 - 30/06/23) Crime was down overall in the East Ayrshire Council Area by 2.7%, with Anti-Social Behaviour (-15.3%), Drug Supply (-5.8%), Acquisitive Crime (-17.4) and Drink & Drug Driving (-20.8%).
However it is disappointing to see increases in Hate Crime (+36.4%), Violence & Homicide (+9.2%), Speeding (+18.9%) and Sexual Crimes (+55%) which were all up on the reporting period.
I took the opportunity to highlight the positive report from the Police on the Local Drug Supply, and thanked the Police for removing almost £430,000 of Drugs from the supply network and off our streets in Cumnock, New Cumnock and the South of the East Ayrshire area with the hard work of their proactive crime team. Well done
The Police also reported that currently only one person from East Ayrshire had completed the ‘Your Police’ Survey. The survey results provide valued information on our communities views on Policing within our area. The survey 2023 / 2024 is open and if you would like to complete it please follow the link below:

The report from the Fire and Rescue Service showed a 16% increase in Fires, although False Alarms dropped by 8% and the total number of incidents increased by 2% in the quarter.
In the Cumnock and New Cumnock Ward there were 23 Deliberate Fire Settings and 19 False Alarms. The Fire Service also completed 256 Home Fire Safety Visits in the reporting period.
You can read the Committee reports in more detail here:
*All Police percentage figures are based on the 5 year average - see Summary report for more details.