I am delighted to report that at Thursday's Budget meeting at East Ayrshire Council, the East Ayrshire Conservative Group and my proposal for a fund of £30K for a feasibility study into enhancements of Woodroad Park were agreed and passed.

The East Ayrshire Conservatives Budget Proposal Amendment to the SNP administration read:
Agree to spend £30K to facilitate a feasibility study for the enhancements to Woodroad Park in Cumnock, which would include a ‘new’ Play Area, Tennis Courts, Teen Hangout Zone, upgraded lighting and CCTV, Toilets and a Coffee Shop. The outcome of the feasibility study should include local and national sources of funding to allow this Council to achieve the ambition of the study and achieve enhancements to Woodroad Park for the community.

Councillor Neill Watts said "The Woodroad Park enhancement proposals which I have been working towards over the last two years would help with our communities Health and Wellbeing, Poverty and Inclusion and help to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour."
"This is really a massive and positive step forward to improving our Park as well as the leisure facilities for the community. You can see the initial plans that myself and the Woodroad Park & Leisure Group have been working towards so far on this post. The feasibility study will be based on these and look for local and national sources of funding so that we can achieve these enhancements to Woodroad Park."
"I would also thank the administration for their support in helping to move this important project forward, we still have a very long way to go and it will need to be completed in stages. However this is extremely positive news for our community in Cumnock and New Cumnock as well as the surrounding areas."
